How to Learn During Dark Times becoming the promise life lessons

I have been accused of being a positive person. Im not sure I agree or maybe I just dont understand what people mean when they say someone is positive. I worry that Ill be put in the same bucket as folks that are passive in their positivity.

What do I mean by this?

Heres an example, "Everything...

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How to get the most out of Loyalty becoming the promise gifts & talents life lessons

On the most recent NoBS with Jen & Jess Livestream a conversation around loyalty sprouted. Specifically around "owing" the organizations we work for. The Google says: Loyalty is a strong feeling of support or allegiance. I can totally get behind this definition because it clearly states "a...

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How seemingly ridiculous Challenges bring growth and awareness. life lessons

Holidays are a time most people take a breather, spending time with family and friends. Historically I have used holidays as days to catch up and get ahead. But this past Holiday a weekend I gave myself permission to "sleep in" which means sleeping past 5am. And I succeeded I woke up around...

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How I lost weight while making a big shift in my business

Over the past 15 years I have spent countless hours reading books on mindset, discipline, decision making, leadership and pretty much any other topic in the self help genre. And for a long time I mostly just used those concepts for judging leaders and their shortcomings. It wasnt until I launched...

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The 3 Giant Lessons I learned over 8 years of Sobriety becoming the promise

I dont have to worry about what its going to take to never drink again. The truth is I could have a drink tomorrow. But today, I choose not to drink. Today I celebrate 8 years of sobriety, and I did it one day at a time. If you want to talk more about this Lets Talk.

The lessons I learned during...

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Why Shared Learning Experiences are better the cultivation crew

The Cultivation Crew has had its very first session and it turned out to be a bigger experience than I expected. Ill just say it right now, the experience is bigger because we are doing it together.  The idea around a skill building / learning experience was cobbled together based on...

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How to Capture Attention the cultivation crew

What are the ingredients of influence? The kind of influence that inspires others to take courageous steps towards leaving this world better than they found it. The kind of influence that helps people disconnect from self preservation and short term thinking.

Im pretty sure when you think of...

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What it takes to form Meaningful Connection life lessons

I used to chase promotions and raises and that was like running on a never ending hamster wheel. I was blinded by status and shiny things. The truth is that the status that comes with formal positions is fleeting in that the status only exists when I am physically present. Meaning that people are...

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How to Improve Facilitation Skills the cultivation crew

You ever been in a training session and felt like you had been talked at the whole time? The person at the front of the room droning on over the PowerPoint in a monotone tempo somehow made you notice how uncomfortable the chairs are. How much do you remember from that session? Besides the fact...

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Top 2 reasons Pull Plans are a waste of time field leadership

Have you heard of this "Pull Plan" thing? Its been around for about 30 years and some of us think its taking too long to get traction and some of us just wish it would go away. 

I have been an advocate of the thing since my introduction to it in 2000. But what is it? Well here are a few...

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Are you really getting the Voice of the Customer

In the hyper competitive environment of construction, customer satisfaction is a huge deal. So much so that Construction Management firms have people on staff dedicated to nurturing relationships with current customers and cultivating relationships with prospective customers.

They apply big...

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How to Combat the Growing Knowledge gap in Construction Managers

There was a time when I walked into a job trailer and could expect to have a conversation with an old gray hair or three who had actually done some building in their career. I could count on finding an old Coffee pot right next to a big ole tub of coffee grains with a cut down Styrofoam...

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